The Daf Yomi Study Guide

A unique source where commentaries are arranged not only by Daf but also by the actual line on the Daf in Aramaic and on the English translation page.

All guides are in PDF format

DOWNLOAD the study guide for Megillas Esther HERE!

The main objective of The Daf Yomi Study Guide is to provide highlights of the Talmud in printable note card format that can be used while the Talmud is being studied in order to add additional insights as to how a particular phrase was utilized in addressing a problem. Each Mesachta will be covered and the note cards for each can be downloaded. The Daf Yomi Study Guide will eventually become a living website where anyone will be able add and share Devrei Torah from their daily Daf Yomi studies to this collection in order for others to use.

The information on the notes has been gleaned from a series of publications, (see sources), Shiurim, and from the Talmud itself. They reflect halacha, interesting insights, mussar, and responsa. In each instance the phrase from the Talmud is identified both on the Aramaic as well as on the English side of the page by the approximate line where the reader can find it. The responsa information especially serves to bring the Talmud into our contemporary world and shows us how relevant it is in our day and how prescient it was when written.

The heading of each note card page conveys the following information. Example:

6 Yoma 11a1 line 10 B9
a b cde f g
  1. The number of the Masechet
  2. The name of the Masechet
  3. The daf
  4. The amud
  5. The page in Art Scroll
  6. The number of lines from the top line where the quote can be found.
  7. The english column A or B.
  8. The line in the english column where the quote and its translation is found counted from the top line.


  1. Art Scroll - Schottenstein Talmud
  2. Weinbach, Mendel - The weekly DAF Targum/Feldheim publishers 2001 Southfield MI 48034
  3. Bleich, J David Contemporary Halachic Problems Vol. II, III, IV KTAV publishing House 1983, 1989, 1995 New York Targum/Feldheim Vol V 2005 Southfield MI 48034
  4. Responsa 1980 - 1990 1991 - 2000 Editors David J. Fine/Kassel Abelson The Rabbinical Assembly New York
  5. Weiss, Saul Insights - a Talmudic Treasury Vol. 1 & 2 Feldheim Publishers 200 Airport Executive Park NY 10954
  6. DAF Digest - Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed

These notes have been gathered as source material for classes on Shabbos afternoon at Anshe Shalom Bnei Israel Congregation in Chicago, encouraged by Rabbi Asher Lopatin and Rabbi David Wolkenfeld.

Contributors to this project have been:

  1. Dr. Leonard Kranzler
  2. Mrs. Annette Saltzman
  3. Mr. Jack Saltzman
  4. Ms. Jenelle Kranzler
  5. Mr. Josh Saltzman
  6. Rabbi Nathaniel Stampfer
  7. Rabbi Norman Crandus
  8. Rabbi Robert Gordon, Esq.